Business Conduct - Brassivoire
titre-rubriques BUSINESS CONDU C T

Business Conduct Our Company is committed to conducting business on a daily basis with fairness, integrity and respect for the law and our values. This commitment is laid down in the HEINEKEN Code of Business Conduct (HeiCode). The HeiCode applies to all HEINEKEN employees worldwide and, according to HeiRule #1, must be adopted and implemented throughout the whole HEINEKEN organization.

The Business Conduct Office in Amsterdam manages the implementation process of our HeiCode, continuously enhances HEINEKEN’s global business conduct framework and oversees the management of cases concerning (suspected) violations of laws and regulations and its policies.


“HEINEKEN is a great company. Combining our expertise and passion with taking responsibility for our values and our Code of Business Conduct, will pave the way for future success.”

Read the full message from our Executive Board here.

  • Obbe Siderius - Director Business Conduct

    Phone: +31 20 5239 253


  • Leonie Simons Business Conduct Counsel

    Phone: +31 20 5239 241


  • Evelien Pol - Business Conduct Counsel

    Phone: +31 626540457


  • Berry Groot Project Manager

    Phone: +31 20 5239 968


  • Integrity Committee:

  • Liens: One2Share | One2Learn | HeiRules


Do you want to know in what situations it is ok for you to offer or accept a gift, how to deal with a possible conflict of interest or any other day to day integrity related challenges? Complete the interactive e-learning! Our e-learning is available in English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Mexican Spanish and Romanian.

Speak Up

You are encouraged to Speak Up if you observe conduct that seems to violate the law, our HeiCode, including its policies, and HeiRules. By doing so, you give our Company the opportunity to deal with such conduct appropriately. Employees who Speak Up are protected. To Speak Up: • Talk to your Manager, HR Representative, P&CI, Internal Auditor or Legal Counsel • Contact one of the Trusted Representatives for support or advice • To share a concern go to or send an e-mail to

For more information about Speak Up click here

The HEINEKEN Code of Business Conduct

Our HeiCode communicates the basic principles that each employee must observe when acting for or on behalf of HEINEKEN. It applies to each and every HEINEKEN employee across our business, wherever in the world and is available in more than 30 languages. Everyone of us is responsible for adhering to the HeiCode and making it an integral part of daily business. The underlying policies of the HeiCode provide details of what is expected from you. You can find the HeiCode and all of its underlying policies on the Business Conduct page of ONE2Share:

Contact the Business Conduct Office !

We are here for you in case you have any questions or need help.

Contact us directly at

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